Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 11 - Fun with Glue

Okay moms, this was a tough one for me. Glue. Sticky, messy, slimy glue. But I thought, what the hey, he is going to have to learn about it sometime. Might as well jump in.So first things first, we must all learn from my mistakes...put newspaper down on the kitchen table BEFORE you give them the glue.

I went to the dollar store and picked up a whole bunch of supplies, and this is the best time to do it! Even Michael's has plenty of back to school sales, and that's great even when your child is not going to school yet.

I got some multi coloured popsicle sticks, some googly eyes, and some colourful feathers. I also got some great construction paper, and of course....glue.

I basically just let them at it. They glued, and pasted, and glued some more.

They made monsters on paper and popscicle sticks, and birds of all sorts. They really enjoyed the freedom of allowing the creative juices to flow. (and I really enjoyed to facilitate.)

When it was all said and done, we had some beautiful creations, and K got a real kick out of pulling dried glue off his hands.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 10 - Ice Sculpting

What fun you can have with Ice on a hot summer day!

We took 3 freezable plastic icecubes and placed them with a plastic SCUBA diver and froze them in a bucket of water.

The next day after they had all frozen together, we gave our son a butter knife and he used it as an ice-pick to dislodge the ice
The SCUBA diver was a little harder to get out. But after trying to melt the ice in the sun, throwing it as a block on the concrete,(allowing the pieces to break off) and adding sand to wear it down, the SCUBA diver came out at last.

My kids worked on this activity for over an hour. The only advice I have to moms wanting to do this with their kids is to get some goggles to protect the eyes!!

On Summer Hiatus

Now it would seem that this a a dead blog, but I promise you dear readers, it is not. I like to include a picture of the daily activity that we attend to and before this moment it was getting increasingly harder to publish the pictures. My computer would not read them and my camera would not send them.
Enter my new computer and new camera.
Let the posting begin!